Friday, May 6, 2011

My 17th Birthday !!!

My birthday falls on 3rd of 5th month every year...last year a bit different excitement was there as i was turning sweet 16 but this year i wasn;t anxious at all. I missed my bestfriend on this day...I really miss my old days in my previous school with her...but yeah on this birthday i really got friend who i know won't leave me ever...its the one and only mishika,,,,i really love her.She cares for me alot and i for her...we really make the best bff...this yr it was tuesday. We had schools as i stepped into my class all friends wished me. They got me beautiful presents and cards...i was even gifted with loads of chocolates,,,!!! how fast the day passed , even i didnt recognize and i returned home. From then onwards the day felt so worst that i wished my birthday never was feeling even worst then an ordinary day. I went for my evening classes and enjoyment nothing. Hope i don't have to see the same scene every year.

My bestfriend Mishika was the first one to wish me at 12:00 AM...thanks to god for such an awesome gift of mine....thanks alot..

this for u mysh-"love you sisso !!!"