Sunday, April 1, 2012

FEELINGS....sometimes so desperate to know !

Sometimes i feel , whats the importance of my existence on this earth ! I frequently try finding answers to some questions like " where do i come from ? where i have to end up ? "
Really , who knows the actual cause to all this ! the exact one !?
I know its the silly me in me who's thinking all this but still , we live in a democracy and are free to think anything in any respect ! Its really something between God and and every human being on this earth !
brrr...really these pondering moments just build up confusion and castles of question but at the same time make me familiar of the fact which .. ummm .. i'm not even sure about their existence ! But from insight i really wanna know the cause . I wish i could !
I know i can never take that Lord's place ..means i can't even dream of it. But i can surely do great work , like he did !
We all know , the one's we consider God were also humans like us but with some super natural powers !  They worked for the welfare and justice of random people who really needed .
They(God and Goddesses ) were provided with some other superpower . Now , has anyone ever thought whose that providing the superpowers,,????
We simply  praise but i bet , no one have ever thought of knowing the truth ? whose actually running this whole world !
Hope some or the other day i'll get my answers . Till then i expect my readers to think and ponder about the fact i presented . This is not specifically for a particular religion , its as a whole and we exist as 1 !


  1. hmmmmm....true..
    but i think i have answers of these questions..
    yadi aap mujhe avsar pradan kare to shayad mai aapko in jatil prasno ka uttar de sakon....:P

  2. ofcrse....why have all the rights to speak and provide answers ...what am i here for...just to share what i feel...n get to know the people... so please go ahead !
