Friday, December 2, 2011


Long time , I have been searching for a topic on which i can make a thought and finally I came across one such topic.

At some point of life , we all need to be alone for sometime . You may call it a wish or a need , anything , but we want to be somewhere out of the world , where only its me n me , no one else . There is no space for either sorrows nor happiness , everything is different from this sometimes harsh and sometimes blooming reality !

God has given empty spaces in our life , which we most of the time spend doing nothing !
With "empty spaces" , I mean to say , free time , or say , time which we spend doing useless things and we never come to know of it .
Today (2 dec 2011) , I realized that one should spend time with herself / himself . It might be few minutes only but its must . But again its my belief , nothing compulsory . I feel , one should give importance to such empty spaces as it is the thing or time period which makes us realize some important things in out life , which we try to ignore most of the times .

I realized many things , good/bad , positive/negative , in the 1 hour which i spent with myself toady . Ah ! It was really great knowing the real me . Actually  , I came across those things which I never gave time , ignored always . Some memories , i was running away from them ! I realized that if I didn't give time to them then with my growing age , they all will b vanished off and become and opaque one !

Brrr...I know whatever I write is always a shop of confusion , exactly like me ! ha ha ! That's why I say , I am no writer or anything like that . I am simply me , who share her life here with you all . Oh I'm getting emo again !!! LOL...
It all happens because I think many things at one single time . See guys ! how multi-talented I'm ! Isn't it?

My weakness , that I present my weakness in front of everyone . Seriously I love to be an open book . But , but , but , that is sometimes the part where people find chances , actually they get many chances to take advantage of me.. ah ! selfish world around me , still I love mine !

Today , I was sitting on a bench in my school corridor .  It was our games hour . My friends were busy doing their things , asked me to join then . Actually , i literally wanted to be alone , don't know why?
I was sitting , sun was high above in the sky doing its job and providing me the warmth under its captivity . I was watching the cricket match being played by my classmates . Though my eyes were struck there on the pitch , but my mind was somewhere in another world , having a serene trip of its own ! Many memories I came across , which simply provided me with an unwanted current and somethings I realized too. I thought of things which I need to overcome in order to be a winner , which made me a lively soul , which were preventing me to be the real me .. all somethings I realized ! he he !

Empty spaces are provided by that supreme power in each one of ours lives . Its depending on us how we tackle with them , So, we should recognize them and make some use of it . Many writers write , poets imagine for their poems , making use of this precious time given to us ..
So, we should all recognize it , feel those spaces , and work out according to that :)

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